Nyngan-Cobar Pipeline Replacement

Client :


Project Date




Pipe Diameter & Type


National Australian Pipelines supplied all materials, plant, labour and equipment required for the construction of the 29.4km long DN375 ductile iron cement lined (DICL) Nyngan to Cobar Pipeline Replacement for Cobar Water Board.

National Australian Pipelines supplied all materials, plant, labour and equipment required for the construction of the 29.4km long DN375 ductile iron cement lined (DICL) Nyngan to Cobar Pipeline Replacement for Cobar Water Board. The new pipeline was constructed to replace the existing raw water main between Nyngan and Hermidale with majority of the pipeline constructed within an operating rail corridor.

Major activities

Major activities undertaken for this project included:

Provision of construction management plans for the pipeline including; Health and Safety Plan, Site Environmental Management Plan, Quality Plan.
Rail Industry Safety Induction (RISI) for all personnel working on the project as well as the provision of a Rail Safety Officer (RSO) whilst working in the rail corridor.
Liaison and management of landowners disturbed by the construction of the new pipeline.
Procurement and supply of all pipe and fittings required for the works. Major pipe supplier for the project: Iplex Pipelines.
Site setup and survey of pipeline alignment. Clear and grade over the 29km easement prior to pipe stringing.
Management of pipe delivery and stringing of DICL 375mm pipeline along the 29km easement.
Trenching of the 29km pipeline through varying ground conditions. Majority of trenching for the new pipeline conducted using a Vermeer T755 Track Mounted Trencher.
Supply, installation and backfill of over 29km’s of DN375 Ductile Iron Cement Lined (DICL) pipe for the new pipeline.
Supply and installation of cross connections between the new DN375 pipeline and the existing DN375 and DN300 pipelines throughout the alignment.
Supply and installation of all bends, air valves, scour valves and isolation valves including construction of thrust and anchors blocks as required.
Supply and installation of all pipeline connections required at the Nyngan pump station including all necessary valves, pipework, flow meters and pigging pits.
Transfer of all existing service connections from the existing 300mm pipeline to the newly installed 375mm pipeline.
Improvements to valve, connections and pipework at surge tanks and water storage facilities.
Hydrotesting of the entire 29km pipeline.
Rehabilitation of 29km pipeline easement following construction of the new pipeline and sign off from landowners where applicable.

View photos of our team in action

View photos of the work undertaken for this project: Nyngan-Cobar Pipeline Replacement